Remote Working

68 videos, 3 hours and 33 minutes

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Workstation comfort

Video 7 of 68
1 min 33 sec
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Creating a Comfortable Home Office

The Importance of a Good Chair

If you are working from home, it is essential to ensure your comfort. While we will cover display screen equipment and setup rules in another video, the first priority is your chair. Having a comfortable chair is crucial. If you only have a fixed chair, like a dining room chair, ensure it is the right height and position for you. Ideally, invest in an office-type chair, which can be adjusted for height and back support to provide a more comfortable and ergonomic seating position.

Using a Footstool

Underneath the desk, consider using a footstool, similar to what you would find in an office. A footstool helps keep your legs at the right height and can be adjusted for maximum comfort. This addition can significantly improve your sitting posture and overall comfort.

Chair and Floor Protection

If you are using an office chair with wheels on a carpeted floor, place a mat underneath. This makes it easier to move around and prevents the wheels from dragging or jamming on the carpet. Additionally, the mat protects your carpet from wear and tear. If you are working from a dining room table, consider placing a mat over it to protect the surface from scratches. These mats can be purchased from office stationery shops.


Ensuring comfort while working from home is essential for productivity and well-being. Invest in a good chair, use a footstool for optimal leg support, and protect your flooring and furniture with appropriate mats. These small adjustments can make a significant difference in your home office experience.