Remote Working

68 videos, 3 hours and 33 minutes

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Reviewing your tasks

Video 51 of 68
2 min 32 sec
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Reviewing Tasks When Working Remotely

Importance of Task Review and Tracking

When working remotely, it's crucial to periodically review your tasks to ensure alignment and efficiency:

1. Revisiting Original Tasks and Specifications

Regularly revisit the initial tasks and their specifications to stay on track:

  • Task Alignment: Compare your progress with the original task requirements.
  • Team Collaboration: Discuss progress in meetings to stay updated and aligned with team efforts.

2. Adapting Roles and Tasks to Remote Work

Adjust your role from in-office tasks to remote work realities:

  • Task Assessment: Evaluate if all aspects of your former role are achievable from home.
  • Communication: Inform your manager of any tasks that are challenging to complete remotely.

3. Managing New Projects and Challenges

Anticipate and address new tasks or challenges arising from remote work:

  • Project Development: Identify new opportunities or tasks that emerge due to remote work dynamics.
  • Communication Updates: Ensure all stakeholders are informed of any changes in task distribution or project requirements.

By regularly reviewing and adapting your tasks, you can maintain productivity and clarity in your remote work setup.