Remote Working

68 videos, 3 hours and 33 minutes

Course Content

Team goals

Video 50 of 68
2 min 11 sec
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Understanding Team Goals When Working Remotely

Importance of Team Collaboration

Working remotely means being part of a team, even if you're working alone at home:

1. Identifying Team Structure and Goals

Understand your role within the team and the overall objectives:

  • Team Dynamics: Whether you're in a project team or part of a department, know who's involved and their roles.
  • Project Goals: Clarify what the team aims to achieve collectively.

2. Building Connections Remotely

Connect with team members to foster collaboration:

  • Communication Channels: Utilise email, phone calls, or virtual meetings to stay connected.
  • Personal Contact: Make an effort to know your team members personally, even if it's through remote interactions.

3. Ensuring Clarity in Project Objectives

Stay aligned with the overall project objectives:

  • Understanding the Big Picture: Know the ultimate goal of the project to ensure your contributions are aligned.

By understanding team goals and staying connected, you can effectively contribute to projects and collaborate remotely.