Remote Working

68 videos, 3 hours and 33 minutes

Course Content

Using remote communication tools

Video 21 of 68
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Setting Up Your Home Workspace Effectively

Assessing Your Work-from-Home Needs

When transitioning to remote work, it's crucial to consider what tools and equipment you'll require to perform your job effectively.

1. Preparing Your Workspace

Before starting to work from home, take time to:

  • Evaluate Equipment Needs: Determine if you need a laptop, desktop, or additional monitors to enhance productivity.
  • Check Internet and Backup Systems: Ensure your home environment has reliable internet access and consider backup options like mobile data for emergencies.
  • Secure Access: Assess if you need a VPN (Virtual Private Network) for secure connection to office systems.

2. Communicate with Your Employer

Discuss your requirements with your employer to:

  • Request Necessary Equipment: Communicate specific needs such as software programs or hardware that will optimise your workflow.
  • Explore Options: Research and propose solutions that could improve efficiency and effectiveness, such as new software tools.

By proactively addressing these considerations, you can ensure a smooth transition to remote work with all necessary resources at hand.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Remote Working LO 1.3.1