Remote Working

68 videos, 3 hours and 33 minutes

Course Content

How not to work from home

Video 8 of 68
2 min 12 sec
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Optimal Workspace for Remote Working

Importance of a Suitable Workspace

Working from home offers flexibility, but it's crucial to create a workspace that supports productivity and health.

Considerations for Your Workspace

  • Posture: Ensure your workspace promotes good posture to avoid neck ache, headaches, and back pain caused by poor sitting positions.
  • Minimising Distractions: Create a workspace away from TVs, pets, and family activities to maintain focus and productivity.
  • Dedicated Workspace: Set up a dedicated room or area with a desk where work-related activities are conducted, separating work from home life.

Benefits of a Dedicated Workspace

A dedicated workspace helps in establishing boundaries between work and personal life, enhancing productivity and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

By choosing a separate room or area for work, you can concentrate better during work hours and disconnect effectively when the workday ends.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Remote Working LO 1.2.1