Remote Working

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Pets and working at home

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Working from Home with Pets: Tips and Considerations

Accepting Pet Disturbances

Working from home often means dealing with potential disturbances from pets, but it's manageable.

  • Normalised Situations: During meetings, occasional barking or noise from pets like Ella, who dislikes pigeons and squirrels, is generally accepted.
  • Don't Worry: Don't stress too much if your dog barks or makes noise; it's not typically a major issue.

Considerations Before Getting a Dog

While having a dog can be beneficial for companionship and routine, consider the following:

  • Future Commitments: Ensure you can care for a dog beyond remote working, as returning to the office may require alternative arrangements.
  • Pandemic Impacts: Many faced challenges with pets during lockdowns, so plan responsibly if considering pet ownership.

Benefits of Having a Dog

Despite challenges, having a dog offers various advantages:

  • Exercise Breaks: Taking your dog for a lunchtime walk provides a beneficial break from screens and phones, promoting physical activity.
  • Routine Enhancement: Incorporate caring for your dog into your daily routine, enhancing your well-being and productivity.

During meetings, you can always manage pet distractions or politely excuse interruptions caused by your dog.

Remember, a pet's welfare should always be a priority when considering remote work and potential future changes.