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Hosting a Zoom meeting

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6 min 52 sec
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What we are going to do now, is host the meeting that we have just created. So, if you look through the meetings, here is the meeting we have created in the previous film. So it says, "Test Zoom meeting," we are going to hit the start button. So once we hit the start button, it is going to come up with, "Do you want to open it in Zoom?" So yes, because what you can do with Zoom, you can actually download an app that runs on your computer, which makes it look a lot simpler. So, this is running now through the app and what you can do is change different settings. So here it says, "Join the computer audio." So I am just going to say, "Yes," but I am just going to mute it straight away, because otherwise in doing this, we are going to get some feedback. So, would you connect that, I'm just going to hit this button at the bottom, just to say mute, so for the minute, as far as the computer here, it has been muted? So, what you can also do on here is change the video that you are actually working from. So if you have got other video cameras, you can, as you can see here now, this is the Zoom meeting, it is covering us with the studio where we are working from, that is why we got a green background in the background there. On the left-hand side, you see Hailey has popped up, she has already registered for the meeting, she has entered the password into it. Hi Hailey.

Hi. Right. So, Hayley is on there now, as the other person, you can have different people on here, we have just got two on this, but on the top corner, there is the view icon. And from here, you can have it so that whoever is speaking comes up on a large screen and then the smaller screen is there, so at the minute it is... Because there is only two of us, so I am in the small screen, Hailey is there. If there are lots of you, you can have it on the gallery set. So there is only two here now, but there will be a lot more if we needed them later. From here, you can actually change the settings, at the bottom we can mute ourselves, just by touching the microphone or we can turn our camera off, just by hitting the video and then it is a default, words come up there. But if you got a photo stored or an image stored, that will come up with that instead. So we turn that back on, you can also see whether other people are muted, so could you just push the mute button, Hayley?

See now, next to her name it is come up red, which shows that she is muted. One of the most common things, when you are running Zoom meetings, is that someone is actually on mute, so if you just take that off now, you see it goes from red back to just her name. And if you want to, you can always change names in the settings. Throughout the top, you got these dots and from here you can make different settings along here if you want, so you can rename yourself. So if you wanted to rename, you can change that, for a default name, if I wanted to change that to my name or to change it and then, it changes. Now that will only change for this one meeting, it is not going to change for all of the meetings. Down the bottom, there is also some other icons, we can share a screen, so we can literally push here and we can allow other people to share the screen. So if I have multiple people, then what I can do is share my screen with Hailey, she can see, I could do a PowerPoint presentation, share photos of my holiday, whatever.

Another thing down here in the chat system, when you hit that, a message pops up. So you can either set it to everybody or just to Hayley but as Hayley is the only one here, so we just set that. So if I can just say "Hi," I will just send that for you to say "Hi" back, Hayley. This is a live chat system that is used through Zoom. So what we can do with this is, if you had multiple meetings and you wanted to just ask a question, you can do or if you are hosting something and someone wants to ask you a question, then they could put it on here. So when we have our webinars with our instructors, the instructors will send messages directly through and it means that I can present something and then see the messages that have been popped on.

So what we can do then, is get rid of that, you can also go down the bottom here to see the participants in the meeting; so you will see them along here and you can mute them. So I can also do here, is mute Hayley, so if she has got a lot of background noise, I can hit that, which is muted. What I cannot do, is unmute her, but I can ask her to unmute. So if I hit that button there, that should ask her to unmute and then now she has unmuted herself. So, it is set that you cannot do it, so if someone has muted themselves, their presenter cannot unmute them. Other things down here are the record facility and with this, you can literally just hit this button...

And it will tell everyone that the message is being recorded because it is important that everyone knows it is being recorded. And at any point in time, you can go up the top and you can pause it.

And that recording is being held on the web, you can also make it store down to your computer, by the way it is set, it is stored on the web. And then what we do, is stop that recording.

So everyone in the meeting knows that the recording has started and when it stopped. So these are all the basics of it, as far as ending the meeting, the person can either just end it themselves. In the bottom right, is an end feature, if I just click on that; because I am hosting the meeting, I can leave the meeting. So if there were multiple people on there already, I can leave the others still talking or I can end the meeting for everybody. So, what we will do now, is just end that meeting. 

And I will just end that. So once I hit that end button, it then comes up to say that the meeting has ended. And then, there is a message popped up to say that the recording is there, so this is now, "Save that meeting on here," so actually on this setting here, it has defaulted it onto my computer, so it has done an audio file and also the video file. So I can change the destination of that if I want to, if I want to move it into my downloads or something like that, I can change that. The other thing it has come up with here is an update. Now with all programs, they tend to update and sometimes when you log into a program or when you are logging out of them, it is asking you to update. So here, if we wanted to update, we should just hit the updates, it is always worth running with the very latest versions of any program. So, if you do get an update notice to come on, then it is worth updating it because you do not really want... Trying to do an update while you are actually presenting something.

So that is all the basics of running a Zoom meeting, there is not much to it. If you first start working with Zoom, it is a good idea to have a Zoom meeting with somebody and then you can practice and learn what to do with it but all those features are there. But remember, if it is a free account, you have got this maximum time of 40 minutes that you can work with, whereas the paid account, you do not. So if you are using this for work or do need longer meetings, then you need to have the paid accounts. Now, this is all been about Zoom but there are others out there. There are lots of different types and some of those will allow you to talk for more than 40 minutes and some of them are only restricted and they do not cost you. So it is definitely worth having a look at all the different types of video conference type facilities that are available.

Learning Outcomes:
  • EDSQ Unit 3 LO 9.2